Shark Tank Wiki

After seven seasons of Shark Tank, we've seen ideas that you would never imagine would be hits (e.g. Squatty Potty, Rave Gloves, CitiKitty), and some that quite frankly made you say "WAHHHHHHH?" Custom Cat Drawings anyone??

I want to draw a cat for you

Much of the appeal of Shark Tank are the funny, odd, and "why didn't I think of that" ideas, that make the show so unique and entertaining. However, some have been complete disasters from the moment they walked out.

Check out some of the strangest Shark Tank products ever pitched:

Cougar Energy[]

Ryan Custer requested $150,000 for 30% of his company Cougar Energy, an energy drink targeted to single, middle aged women, who pride themselves on dating men younger than them.

Mr. Wonderful said something along the lines of "crushing cockroaches like you."


The Skinny Mirror[]

This amazing mirror is supposed to psychologically make you feel better about yourself , according to their website gives"users the instant visual gratification of a “slimmer you” while educating that how you choose to feel about your body has nothing to do with your actual shape, size or weight." The Skinny Mirror is an actual mirror that gives you the appearance of a slimmer you starting at $165.

Belinda Jasmine started her business after using an old mirror that made her look "5-10 lbs heavier and 2-3 inches shorter."


Currently the website states:

NOTICE! We are not taking any new orders until further notice.[]

We are in the process of setting up a new manufacturer and it may be a while. 

All the Sharks saw was a distorting illusion with limited market potential. "I deal in reality," said Kevin O’Leary.


If you are going to pitch an idea on TV and in front of the Sharks, you should have the product actually made. Jamie Manning and Adriano Varassin had an idea of an app where you could reserve bar stools in restaurants or bars. Too bad the app and the website were not even created yet. No proven sales, as the product wasn't even created yet. "There's nothing to invest in here," O'Leary said.
